3rd Day in Sydney!

Today extra moody. Wasnt really in the mood. I am have a bitter face today. Today afternoon went for lunch at a Shanghai restaurant. And honestly, if ever this type of restaurant happens to be in Malaysia, I dont think any1 would walk in. The design and the chairs and table is really impropriate. Compared to Malaysia's Shanghai restaurant and Aussie's I guess the rating is 10:2. People here is vert casual and 'cin cai'. Even the way the dress. You hardly can spot some1 with makeups and nice dressings. I guess people here just open their closets, grab a clothe, put on and out they go. No pretty shoes here. Most people wear slippers. And that's it. Even for the bakery. If it happens to be at Malaysia, within one month, it will closed down. Malaysia's roadside are planted with beautiful flowers and fresh grass. As for here, they dont plant anything, the grass growing so so long. And are all dried up. People here is living a simple life. But i am used to being a Malaysian. Where i do make ups whenever i goes out. I dressed properly and decently. Going in to the beautiful Pavilion with plenty of good foods and many pretty people. I sorry i had to say that I am not liking it here. My mom told me that i was wrong. She said i think like that is all because i did not make any friends yet. Maybe she is right. After knowing friends, i might go out and hang around. And start to socialize. But still, cannot deny that i love Malaysia so much. Not only because of the good life, fun life. It's also because all the people I cared for is in Malaysia. I envy some of my friends (seniors) who stand strong on what they truly want. They are smart, and they choose to stay in Malaysia. And taking parts in events for experience. I want to be like them too. I want to stay in Malaysia and join plenty events for experiences too. But i couldn't. There's no evidence that people studying in overseas can achieve better life in the future. As long you work hard, no matter where you go, you still can achieve better in life. Argh! I hate life for the first time. I am living with a family that i am not familiar with. But for sure one thing, i am not comfortable to stay with them. Too many rules and nagging. It really pissed me off. God, I really need you. Please help me get through this. It's all on you.

Temporary no pictures. Stupid Mac laptop is getting on my nerves. I miss home so much. My 3 laptop back at home. =(



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